iXBRL Accounts Tagging & CT 600 Filing Prices
iXBRL tagging cost ranges between GBP 60 to GBP 1200 on a sliding scale.
Cost of iXBRL tagging of accounts depends on:
- the size of the financials,
- the type of company like Limited companies, Private limited company, Micro-entities, Small company, Dormant company and Charities,
- the accounting standard followed,
- scope expected iXBRL for HMRC , Companies House and CT 600, or selective services, iXBRL for Revenue filing Ireland.
- A usual turn-around time of 5-7 working days is considered, for a small sized company.
- If you require quick turn around time, you would be charged more.
- Yes. We help clients with, Company Tax Return (CT 600).
- CT 600 shall be submitted along with tax computations, to complete Company Tax Return.
The Companies House iXBRL caters to the electronic filing of accounts of companies/LLPs and Charities with the exception of Academy and Incorporated Charities prepared under Charity law.
The following accounts types are as follows:
- Audited abridged accounts (for periods commencing on or after 1 January 2015)
- Audited small accounts
- Audited group accounts
- Audited full accounts
- Audit exempt dormant accounts
- Audit exempt micro-entity accounts
- Audit exempt abridged accounts (for periods commencing on or after 1 January 2015)
- Audit exempt abridged accounts (for periods commencing prior to 1/1/2016)
- Audit exempt group accounts
- Audit exempt full accounts
- Charity Accounts – Academies and Incorporated Charities prepared under Charity Law NEED NOT be eFiled to Companies House.