XBRL’s filings repository at filings.xbrl.org continues to expand, and now contains over 4,000 European Single Electronic Format (ESEF) reports. In particular, they have recently been able to add filings from two new countries: Cyprus and Romania. Each report can be browsed online using an XBRL viewer, downloaded in its original format, or grabbed as xBRL-JSON data.

XBRL has developed filings.xbrl.org to make it easy for users to access ESEF filings all in one place, and to analyse and explore the Inline XBRL data now being reported in the EU. It is an interim measure as an official solution is developed in the form of the European Single Access Point (ESAP). While XBRL cannot provide a completely comprehensive listing, it aims to collect as many filings as they can, and automate their retrieval as far as possible. While a handful of countries offer APIs to enable efficient discovery and download of filings, the majority still require us to use less-reliable web scraping techniques or time-consuming manual efforts. Since information is only useful if it can be accessed and used, we continue to urge national regulators to embrace automated data retrieval as an intrinsic part of the digitisation process.

Like the repository itself, the XBRL community of active and interested users of filings.xbrl.org is growing.


New ESEF filings and countries available
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